Matyas Brych: I want to be indian again

October 27, 2019

"I am far from being the prototype of the perfect man, and I do not want to instruct anyone, I have no right to do so, but I will be glad if you read my stuff and we can all think together how each of us can contribute to harmonizing people with nature.

When I was little I spent most of my free time with my brother, cousin and friend in woods, meadows and hills. Our native village Kněžice encouraged us to do so, with the beautiful nature surrounding it from all sides. The smell of needles still reminds me of my childhood. At that time, I found the root connection with nature. We were little Indians (nature beings), we ate wild apples from a tree by the alley all day, and we were not hungry. We did not need energy from food, we were recharged by the forest, the joy of discovering its new corners, sheer childhood happiness.

I've been living in the city for more than 10 years now, and the initiation of the "Indian archetype" has awakened me more and more - it started with inner feelings, emerging memories, and ends with imaginings, visions and above all dreams, in the dark and in peace. Seeking understanding of the soul's speech - a dream - is not always easy. The natural motive, the recognition of deep feelings, everything may seem at least strange and tangled, but once you understand your soul - the little piece of divine that has been given to us - and its motivation, will understand the motivation of God himself.

To make my contemplation clear, the Indian is not a persona in a leather skirt and a falcon quill in hair. In my eyes, it is above all a "child of the Earth". We always hear that we are made of water, but we do not value water. The rest that does not evaporate at the end and does not soak into the water cycle will turn into dust, part of the earth, but we do not respect the earth either. We pollute both our components, our own selves, and we live a soulless life, as there is nothing more powerful than "consumerism" in today's world. We have subordinated it to everything, a technology that we mistakenly regard as the pinnacle of the civilization.

But I am not a pessimist and I believe it is in each of us. Relationship to Mother Earth is stronger than the latest mobile. She is our Mother, whether you are a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist or you believe in your own greater power. We are its inseparable part, every atom, every molecule in us, and when we listen, we will hear its voice, which greets us continuously and welcomes within every breath.

But I believe when someone cleans rubbish after the others and then grumbles how bad is it, they are doing much worse job than the one who throws away a cigarette or leaves a beer can by the bench without throwing away their "excrements" to the trash just a few meters away. I think this is because the world is much more complex than any of us can imagine, and the negative energy of this garbage collector produces much more toxic than the garbage itself, and the world simply mirrors it. That is why positive thinking, spreading good vibrations is important. Many of us are afraid of various things, but let us not fear. Don't give it space and it will melt away. Let's not negate the energy and let's change the world of positive vibrations from our hearts! Let's take an example from children who radiate love, for they are the freshest messengers of goodness, unspoiled and undistorted, not involved in programs, schemes and systems, they will show us the right way ... those little Indians, those natural beings we were a long time ago..."



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